Friday, November 30, 2012

bell ringer 11/30/12

This just goes to show how bad our country really is. We may look like a good country on the outside but we are definitely not. There are a lot of freaks in our country and when they do something bad or wrong it makes the whole country look bad which is not a good thing.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

bell ringer 11/29/12

Obama wants to meet with Mitt Romney because he wants to see if he would be interested in working together to get the country back into shape. I think Romney should tell him no and that he is the president and needs fix it on his own but Romney probably won't. He will probably tell him something like he would love to help.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Part Two

  1. Whether the country is considered to be a More Developed Country (MDC) or a Less Developed Country (LDC). MDC
  2. Whether or not the country restricts immigration and under what circumstances. They do not restrict against immigration
  3. The type of habitats and natural resources in the country. Rounded smooth mountain ranges and temperate rainforests. Fish, lobster, shellfish, and mineral riches
  4. Available job market as it relates to a variety of industries. Human resources, government, and tourism
  5. Workers wages and the standard of living (compared to U.S. Dollars). Retail sales assistant- $16.06 Carpenter- $20.33 Waiter/Waitress-$15.12 RN- $25.78 Pharmacy assistant- $17.58 Administration assistant- $17.58 Electrician- $27.49 per hour for all.
  6. Environmental regulations. Tasmanian Forest Agreement
  7. Types of industries available, including companies that operate businesses (e.g., businesses familiar to an American worker). Logging, Electrician, Metal Working, and Fishing
  8. Positive attributes of the country. Many jobs, beautiful scenery, and jobs pay good
  9. Disadvantages of the country. none
  10. Adjustments they will need to make in their lifestyle.                                                                                     

  1. Whether the country is considered to be a More Developed Country (MDC) or a Less Developed Country (LDC). MDC
  2. Whether or not the country restricts immigration and under what circumstances. No
  3. The type of habitats and natural resources in the country. Coal, mercury, zinc, potash, and marble
  4. Available job market as it relates to a variety of industries.Construction, aerospace, and education
  5. Workers wages and the standard of living (compared to U.S. Dollars). It depends on what is important to that person that is moving to Italy
  6. Environmental regulations. Businesses are held responsible for the environmental impact
  7. Types of industries available, including companies that operate businesses (e.g., businesses familiar to an American worker).
  8. Positive attributes of the country. Beautiful and many jobs
  9. Disadvantages of the country. Very crowded
  10. Adjustments they will need to make in their lifestyle.       
  1. Whether the country is considered to be a More Developed Country (MDC) or a Less Developed Country (LDC). LDC
  2. Whether or not the country restricts immigration and under what circumstances. No they do not
  3. The type of habitats and natural resources in the country. Jungles and beaches
  4. Available job market as it relates to a variety of industries. Education
  5. Workers wages and the standard of living (compared to U.S. Dollars). It is much lower than the U.S.
  6. Environmental regulations. No Polluting
  7. Types of industries available, including companies that operate businesses (e.g., businesses familiar to an American worker).
  8. Positive attributes of the country. None
  9. Disadvantages of the country. Not very many jobs
  10. Adjustments they will need to make in their lifestyle.

bell ringer 11/28/12

In this article they talked about how high the powerball winnings would be. They said it would be about 500 million dollars which is a pretty penny. When the ticket sales ended the winnings had gone up to 656 million dollars which is the second biggest ever. I would love to win that much money my life would be so easy.

If I won the powerball my life would be so much easier than it is. I know a lot of people would probably say that if they won that much money they would quit school or their job but I don't think I would quit school but if I had a job I probably would quit that. One thing I would do with the money is donate a pretty good amount to a bunch of different charities. Another thing I would do with it would be buy a house and like 5 cars and trucks. I would also buy a nice boat and every kind of fishing pole and every kind of lure that has ever been made.That's what I would do if I won the powerball.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Economy- The prosperity or earnings of a place

Cultural Diversity- There are many different things in one culture

 Industry- A place that makes goods for consumers to buy

 Environment- Where someone or something lives

 Assimilation- The blending of different cultural traits into one

 Globalization- Worldwide integration
More developed country

Forced Migration- Forced to move

Voluntary Migration-  You want to move

Less developed country

Mental Mapping- Picturing what a country looks like without looking at a map

Immigration- Moving from one country to another

Statistical Measurement- A way of measuring something using stats

bell ringer 11/27/12

In my opinion it is understandable why it has gone down and continues to go down. Everybody was using there money to prepare for hurricane sandy and to fix the damage that she did.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Bell Ringer 11/26/12

In my opinion these so called "baby boxes" are a good idea but also a bad idea at the same time. They are a good idea because if a girl gets raped and gets pregnant she has a safe alternative for the baby instead of abortion or like the example they gave killing it and burying it in the woods or something. However, it is also a bad idea because a couple could be having a baby but they don't want the responsibility of caring for it so they can just get rid of it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

bell ringer 11/15/12

These things will probably happen because in my opinion Obama is one of the worst presidents we have had.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

bell ringer 11/14/12

I think it is completely ridiculous that she ran over her husband for not voting. I can't even begin to imagine what she would do if her husband was cheating on her and she found out. To run someone over for not voting is just plain stupid end of story.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

bell ringer 11/13/12

In my opinion it is a good idea to prepare for something like that to happen. I'm not saying though to become an all out nut about it so you lose all of your friends and become a social outcast because of it.