Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Go Green

Ryan House                      Pro/Con Going Green                           12/4/12


1.       Going green could save many species of animals.
2.       It would cut back on pollution.
3.       People will save a lot of money.
4.       Everybody would good about themselves.
5.       People will be more healthy.
6.       It will improve your overall quality of life.
7.       If you have a compost pile, you can us it as fertilizer for a garden.
8.       The air will be cleaner.
9.       There will be cleaner and more usable water because it won't be so polluted.
10.   We would reduce the effects of global warming.


1.       When you turn lights on and off it actually uses more electricity than just leaving them on.
2.       In a study people who bought high efficiency washers they increased clothes washing by nearly 6 percent.
3.       Out of a group of 500 people that greened their homes a third saw no reduction in bills.
4.       The technology people would buy to go green would probably cost more than your house.
5.       It would take a long time to get everyone to go green.
6.       A lot of people probably wouldn't go green.


I feel  that if everybody went green it would definitely be a good thing. However, trying to get the whole world to go green in my opinion would be impossible. Even trying to get half of the world to do it would be extremely difficult. I don't even think that would be possible. In my opinion more people should definitely try to do more to go green because it will save you money and help you live a healthier life. More people should seriously try to go green or at least participate in it in some way.

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