Friday, September 28, 2012

bell ringer 9/28/12

 Should Students be Allowed to Carry Guns on School Campuses 

  1. Self-Defense
  2. In case someone who doesn't go                                                                                                      to the school shows up with a gun                                                                                                   and starts shooting the students can                                                                                                take him out before he takes them out
  3. Someone could be a hero
  4. Less crime on campuses
  5. Help people
  6. Criminals fear an armed victim more                                                                                               than suspension
  7. Protection
  8. Less fights
  9. Has been used at a bunch of colleges and                                                                                         nothing has ever happened
  10. Safety

  1. Drugs
  2. Alcohol
  3. Psychos
  4. No common sense
  5. Immaturity
  6. No gun skills
  7. Training course is only a day or less long
  8. If there is a fight it could end very bad
  9. Guns don't kill people, people kill people
  10. If someone shoots you won't know who shot because everybody has a gun

I think guns should be allowed on college campuses. As long as they are concealed I would have no problem with it. The only other reason I would allow guns is if the mentally ill are not allowed to carry one. I think allowing students to carry guns on campuses is a good idea.                                                                        

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