Friday, September 28, 2012

Death Penalty

Should the Death Penalty be Allowed  


  1. Only for the worst of the worse
  2.  If it is requested
  3. Depends on what they are in jail for
  4. As long as it is done humanely
  5.  Certain ways
  6.  They killed innocent people
  7.  It is just
  8.  No redemption
  9.  Let the punishment fit the crime
  10.  Taxpayers have to pay to keep a murderer in prison


  1.  Inhumane
  2.  Unfair
  3.  Violates the 8th amendment
  4.  Ultimate denial of human rights
  5. More serve than life in prison
  6.  Killing is wrong
  7.  No one has the right to take someone elses life
  8.  A life always has worth
  9.  Morally wrong
  10.  It is a form of cruel and unusual punishment

In my opinion the death penalty should be allowed in some cases. I don't believe someone who goes to prison for fraud should be given the death penalty. If someone rapes kids or something like that they should not be given a second chance and should be put to death. That is how I feel about the death penalty.



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